Chicago Cross Cup #4 Wauconda (Psycho Cross)

What a great weekend for cross. And day one of the two, brings Psycho Cross.
Saturday is a power course at Psycho Cross, and also my first venture into Cat 1/2/3. I figured, what the heck. Whats the worse that could happen? Man, oh, man. That was a good time. And by good time, I mean pure suffer.
Giant flyover!
It was sunny, but  holy crap was it windy. The noise from the flapping course tape was thunderous as you rode the course, and coming into a headwind across a farm field sure put a burn in your legs. This course is a speedway. Mostly flat with a giant flyover. Not my cup of tea, but what else would you want to do on a weekend off work aside from ride your ass off? Turned out that Brian Matter  had the same idea. This dude is fast. Fast as fast is. And after 40 minutes of hauling my ass around the golf course and over the giant fly over, I was pulled. Placed 19/25 but at least was the first Cat 3. Still fun, but now my goal is to race a 1/2/3 and not get pulled.
Bad ass indeed.
Enough about me, there was also a good showing from the rest of our team. Our Pretty. Fast. Becky Welbes came out with her new socks on and rode her bad ass off. Holding her own with the fastest ladies in the Chicago Cross Cup series, she placed 8th.
Brandon Murphy came out for the Cat 3 mens race and had as much fun as a chimpanzee riding on a segway. It’s a long, fast  course. And after it was all over. B got a 45. Good job sir. Keep up the weekly dose of suffer.
Brandon passing out of the corner! Go B go! 
Katie Tomarelli rode her bike like a pretty woman possessed. And landed a 5th place finish for the Women’s Cat 4 race.
We can’t forget about Alex Blom, new to cross and bike racing, holding her own in the Womens Cat 4 race and finishing with a very respectable 13th place finish.
I would like to give a special great job to Meghan Murphy-Gill. WEEOOOOOOO!
 I would like to give the usual thanks to our sponsors:
As well as a BIG, FAT, thanks to Ted Schweitzer and everyone else who worked to make Psycho Cross a good time.
Kinky Llama Racing peoples. 

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