Commuting on the lakefront after dark has it’s hazards; Rogue ice patches, ninja surprise u-turn runners, sudden corners while dozing at the handlebar. I love my flea combo, but something stronger was needed for a truly safe ride home. I’ve bought NiteRider lights before, an Evolution Smart 6 Volt Halogen, and a Cyclone H.I.D. + LED headlamp. These are great for off-roading in spooky places at night, but way too bright (like driving with your brights on bright) for lakefront riding. The MiNewt Mini has graced several of my bikes, great little light. 110 Lumens, 3:00 hr run time, 175 grams. If your bike has an accessory happy handlebar, or your cables are routed this way or that, sometimes velcroing the wired battery can be a small challenge. Which brings me to the sexy Lumina 350. You can probably guess how many lumens (lumens=a measure of the total “amount” of visible light) 2:00-21:00 hr run time, 172 grams. This guy is cordless and seems to give a nice shine on the situation without being too obnoxious. The 350 is rechargeable from the wall or USB port. In a similar design to the old MTB lights, the handlebar mount is an intricate time consuming affair, but once on it’s a very sturdy mount. This is absolutely one of the best in-stock lights Village Cycle Center has to offer. You’re safety is well worth it. $89.99
The Lumina 350

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