First Snow Under My Wheels

Today was the first snow in Chicago that actually stuck. And I forgot how much I love it. I look forward to riding my bike through fresh snow and laying the first tracks down my alley in the mornings. Up until 3 years ago, I did not have such enthusiasm for the cold day rides. I call this time in my life pre-Gore. This was when I liked to ride my bike in the snow, but I would eventually get wet and freeze my ass off. Then along came Simon with his Gore Bike Wear. And for the first time ever, I looked forward to snow rides and was smiling while riding on the coldest days.
This time, is called Post-Gore. This time rocks. I won’t bash on the brands that didn’t cut it, if you are cold and unhappy while riding in the winter, you already know which ones they are. I highly recommend Gore-Tex and Windstopper products from GBW. A couple of my must haves for cold weather are: Tool Jacket, Vista Windstopper tights, Gore-Tex socks, Power Thermo jersey, Power Beany, and depending on your facial hair, either a Windstopper hat, or balaclava. When things get uber cold, or for the wet days prior to the cold ones, a Fusion Jacket and Fusion Pants are my go to coverings. You can check out my review on them here.Today was 24 felt like 17. I had a delivery on the way in, so I had an extra layer over my tights of knickers. I also only was going a total of 6 miles. So I was a bit over dressed and rode slower than usual. I wore a Craft baselayer, Gore Bike Wear Power Thermo jersey and my Tool jacket. Bottom side held Xenon II Sonic bibs, Vista Windstopper tights, Sidi Diablo GTX, and a custom version of the City Overshoe I made into gaiters. On the head Winstopper Bike Headband and Merino wool cycling hat.The ride was fun, cars were courteous, and the delivery customer was happy to see me.

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1 Comment

  1. […] you know me, you know I love riding in the snow. While I don’t have a Trek Farley, yet, I do have my winterized Trek 520, which for it […]

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